October 2018 Blog Challenge

Day 31: Why I Love Halloween

Probably a question to those of you who have read more than one post through this whole endeavour is why did I decide to do this 31 days of Blogtober challenge?

Well, there are a couple of reasons for it.

The first is that because I’m just starting up on this blog and want to allow my readers to get to know me a little a better. I’m a huge fan of transparency, and this seemed like a really good way of helping with that. So, I’m trying to put myself out there so you guys can know who I am and where I’m coming from.

The second reason is that I love Halloween and everything to do with fall, and I thought this was a really good idea. And I’ll be honest, this was a lot of fun.

Now, as to why I love Halloween.

It’s a magical time of the year for me. As a kid dressing up and getting mountains of candy. As I got older and developed a love for horror and the supernatural it became more interesting. The veil between worlds is thinner tonight than is usually is, after all.

I’ve always liked dressing up as someone else and pretending to be someone who isn’t me. I’ve loved the idea of magic and creatures you wouldn’t normally think to exist, existing.

I love pumpkins. I just love everything having to do with it. I could go on and on for a very long time, but eventually, I’d get frustrated because I can’t properly explain all of my reasoning for it. I just love everything about it, it brings up really good memories. I love the aesthetic. Just, everything about it I love.

Thank you for joining me for the LAST DAY of my Blogtober challenge, which was me posting a fall or Halloween themed post every day for the month of October. As of today, all of these posts will be up for you to look through as you like if you’re interested. I will be resuming my regular posting schedule of one logical post on Fridays and additional bonus content throughout the week as things come up. I hope all of you have a happy and safe Halloween, and you get a lot of candy. I will see you next time.

-T.R. Flynn.

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