Project Updates

January 2020 Wrap Up

Is it just me or did this month go by really fast?

Maybe this is just how time works when you get older, and that’s why we can’t keep track of it and the events that have occurred.

But, that is a theory for another day. Today, we are here to see just how far I’ve come over these past thirty days(spoiler, not as far as I would like) and what needs to be worked on.

So, for starters, I got partially through WftGK edits. I’m still not sure if this rut is bred from boredom of the project, or if my passion for it has completely fizzled out. I’m hoping if I go slow with it while working on other things I want to get done this year that I will get it done, albeit much later than I had initially hoped to finish it.

I have started looking into writing contests, but so far I haven’t found anything that piques my interest or has a reasonable cut off date yet. I plan to keep looking though.

I ended up wanting to do two maps for ‘Side Quest’, and I have both rough drafts done. As well as a guide book for the entire Realm that I plan to use a lot. But I don’t have the finished products of them yet. I plan to be finishing them soon in February. But I really like making maps and creating lore and backstories for every place, even if it’s just a little line about this is what it’s called, how it got its name, and what the main thing about the place is. So, if you want to know how I did my maps, I’ll be more than happy to share that once I’m done. And I’ll throw pictures up on Twitter too.

I have actually read three books this month, and I’m really happy to be ahead like that.

In regards to project Death, as I’ve been calling it, I have most of the characters laid out. I have a fair amount left to add to their character profiles, but I’m pretty happy with how I’m doing it. I don’t have the entire story out of my head and ready to organize yet, but I got a fair amount through. I’m pretty happy with how much I managed to do.

I did not start RotDE at all this month. I got things in order for it, but I haven’t actually written anything yet. I’m hoping to start and get at least to the beginning of part two next month. I think that’s reasonable.

Now, in regard to the weekly posts, I’ve been putting up, the LifeLogs as I’ve been calling them. What do you think of them?

I’ve noticed I’ve been getting about the same amount of traffic, if not a little bit more since I’ve been posting them. I do plan on throwing in some of my more ‘regular’ content as I feel I’m qualified to speak about certain things or share my experiences. But I’d like to know if there’s a certain time table you’d prefer to see them on, i.e. once a month, once every three months, every other week, etc. I’d love to know if you wouldn’t mind sharing a comment.

I will say it has been really nice to not have to stress out so much about trying to figure out what to post every week. It’s just sitting down for a minute and thinking, what have I done? What have I learned? What is something I’m struggling with? What do I want to share?

But I still want to know what you think.

Anyway, that’s all I have for you right now. Let me know if there’s anything you’d like to see next week. Or anything you’d like me to discuss.

I hope you’re having a wonderful day, and if it’s not wonderful I hope it gets better. And I will see you next time.

-T.R. Flynn.