
My Favourite Writing Snacks

This post may or may not have come into existence because I am hungry.

So, we all know that writers are people, mostly, and that people need to eat. Maybe I’m just the weird one who likes to eat as I work. In fact, I will pause in my work just to eat something because I feel I need. I may or may not have a problem, and I may or may not be okay with it.

Without further ado, here is my list of the best writing snacks, in my opinion.

  1. M&Ms
    This should surprise absolutely no one who knows me. I love m&ms(I may or may not be munching on these right now). I prefer the peanut ones just for added texture. These are perfect for writing because you can be typing along and pop one(or a handful) in your mouth every once in a while. Or, if you’re like me and write in a notebook with a pen, one hand is writing, and the other if fueling your brain with these colourful delights.
  2. Pocky
    Pocky is great! Not only is it available in a variety of flavours(Matcha and Chocolate are probably my favourites), but they’re perfect for when your hands are full. Pop a stick in your mouth and go wild. They’re a perfect hands free snack and can provide entertainment during those little lulls when you’re contemplating what to put next in your scene.
  3. Smoothies
    This list has been pretty sugary thus far, so why not add some fruit into the mix. I do like me a good smoothie, and they can be healthy for you if you don’t load them up with toppings and syrup. I used to drink a lot of smoothies with protein powder in them as kinda a meal supplement, so I don’t drink them as often anymore. But I do still enjoy them. And they’re perfect for writing! They’re completely hands free, and if you add a bendy straw you just need to move your head a little bit. Or position the cup perfectly in front of you so you only need to sip. The best part is they’re completely customizable. You can even blend in greens if you want or are lacking.
  4. Licorice
    If you can’t tell by now, I got a bit of a sweet tooth. But licorice is great for writing. Much like the pocky you grab one and eat as you write, and it lasts a little while too. Plus they can provide entertainment. I prefer Twizzlers because that’s what I’ve grown up on, but you go with your own favourite brands. I’ve heard the Red Vines are popular in the states, correct me on that if I’m wrong. And it doesn’t have to be just one kind. I like the strawberry, but there’s the original black licorice, and there’s new fruity licorice too with a bunch of different flavours to keep things interesting. You can even match them up to the different scenes your writing.
  5. Chips
    I wanted to have at least one savoury item on this list, and I somehow made it. I honestly prefer chips(or crisps if you’re across the pond) when I’m editing or researching. Reading through, nibbling on chips, and punching in the smaller edits or fixing a line. Or delving deep into the history and equipment of blacksmithing. I don’t go too heavy on seasonings though, either just plain salt or a sour cream and onion flavour. Something like Doritos or cheezies would just get messy to me, but if you feel you can deal with the mess more power to you. I can’t. They’re fun, their crunch is satisfying, the only downside is they can get a little messy. But when I’m crunching on golden deliciousness I don’t overly care too much.

So that is all I have for you today. If you enjoy any of these snacks when writing or reading, drop a comment and let me know. And what are some of your favourite snacks when writing? I’d love to hear if you’d like to share.

I hope you’re having a great day, and I will see you next time.

-T.R. Flynn.

Finding What Works for You

How I Deal With Writer’s Block

We all suffer from it. It is the bane of our existence. But what actually matters is how you go about dealing with writer’s block.

I have suffered from writer’s block at multiple times during my writing career so far, and I have watched many videos and read many articles about how to help overcome it. I have no shame in admitting to that. What I have noticed, however, is that it doesn’t matter if you have it regularly, sparingly, always have it, or what have you. What matters is what you do when you have it.

The first step is acknowledging that you have a creative block and instead of getting flustered and maybe trying to force something out, you step back from your piece and take a deep breath. There’s always something you can do, so don’t get frustrated.

  1. Outline.
    Before you freak out, I fully acknowledge and understand that there are pantsers out there who are allergic to outlines. Fine, whatever, skip this one if you’re that against it, but hear me out first. An outline can be very useful in keeping you on track. I’m one of those writer’s who will wander off in all directions if I don’t have arrows pointing me in the right direction. Try writing an outline to keep you on the right track. Your writer’s block could be as simple as you’re not sure where to go next. An outline can help you with this if you find you’re struggling.
  2. Work On Another Piece.
    I do not have the attention span to work on one piece from start to finish without becoming bored. Because I know this about myself I have several pieces in the works at any given time. If I cannot write one day on piece A, I work on editing piece B, or outline/thought-dumping piece C. I understand that this cannot work for everyone, but it can help if you feel like you’re just beating a piece to death. You don’t have to go working on this piece forever, but maybe just putting your main piece aside for a little while and coming back with fresh eyes is exactly what you need to get yourself through that plot hole you got yourself in.
  3. Take In Some Art.
    As writers or creators, we are always giving a high output of art. We are always putting something on a page, or computer, and sometimes we forget to take in art ourselves. Your block could just be because you’re out of creativity and you need to get some more. Some of you might be thinking that you have plenty of creativity and this isn’t the root of your block. Have you ever heard of a well running dry? That could be exactly what it is. Read a couple books. Go see a movie. Catch up on your favourite t.v. show. You need to take in art at the same rate you’re pumping it out, otherwise, your well will run dry. Take in some art, you’ll be surprised.
  4. Get A Change Of Scenery.
    Sometimes things get stale. If you’re constantly at your desk, maybe try going out to a coffee shop. Or maybe even just out to your kitchen table or living room. Go to the library. Sometimes just changing the wall your always staring at past your computer screen is all it takes. Keep in mind how you work while choosing your change of pace. If you prefer working in complete silence, a coffee shop might not be the best place for you. If you need some distraction then a library probably shouldn’t be your first choice. Always keep in mind how you work when considering these.
  5. Use A Writing Prompt.
    I use writing prompts a lot. They are wonderful and can always spark some form of creativity in me. There are scene prompts, dialogue prompts, world prompts, kill the cliques, character banks, etc. If you are needing something to fill in something in your piece, or help with a driving force, there is a prompt out there that can help you. I encourage you to look for some if you’re struggling.
  6. Reward/Treat Yourself.
    Figure out how you work. If you’re motivated by a finish line, tell yourself once you’re done your writing goal of the day you can get your favourite dinner, or go hang out with friends, or at the end of the week, you can go to a movie. If you need a little motivation to get started, settle down at your preferred location with a cup of tea/coffee/hot chocolate, and some of your favourite snacks. Have those with you while you work to keep you motivated. Your writer’s block might not be anything catastrophic but just really simple things that come from a misunderstanding of yourself and how you work.
  7. Take A Break.
    This is probably going to be a controversial point here, but sometimes the best thing you can do is put down your piece and come back to it in a bit. Remember what I said about stepping back and taking a deep breath, or putting your piece away for a little bit while you worked on something else? Hear me out, every single time you don’t feel like writing you shouldn’t take a break. But if you feel like everything you’re doing is getting you nowhere and you can’t get through this block, maybe just take a break. Take in some art, maybe research something for your pieces or a new one you want to work on. When was the last time you spent a day with your friends? Take a break. Take a day to yourself. Sometimes you need that. It could very well be harmful to your mental health if you keep forcing yourself to pump things out without proper care. This is kind of a last ditch effort if everything else hasn’t worked, but it can be effective if you need it. Just don’t fall to this as a go to.

So, these are some of the things that I do when I get writer’s block, or I just plain don’t feel like writing. These are things that work for me, and if you’re struggling with it these might help. By no means is this an extensive list of what you can do. Again I would like to express this is what works for me, these might not be a perfect fit for you but it could be a good starting point.

Is there something you do for your writer’s block that I didn’t cover here? I’d love to know if you’d like to share.

I hope you are having a great day, and if it’s not great I hope it gets better. Thank you so much for reading and I will see you next time.

-T.R. Flynn.

October 2018 Blog Challenge

Day 30: What I’m Doing for Halloween

I don’t have a lot of plans for Halloween this year. I intend to stay in and hand out candy to the trick-or-treaters and watch horror movies while I do that.

I ended up spending the day getting the house decorated and ready for tomorrow night. You might be asking why I didn’t do that sooner. Well, I wanted to. But we live in a not so great neighborhood so putting out the decorations early and leaving them there will result in them getting stolen. We don’t want to do that.

I’ve also spent the day getting together bags of candy for them too. We’re the kind of people who’ll get a bunch of different kinds of candy and give them out. To make it fair so everyone gets the same amount we started giving them out in bags. And the ones we got this year are really cute too!

I like handing out candy because I get to see all the happy kids get their candy and their cute, and sometimes amazing, costumes.

I don’t know, maybe I’m weird and you guys don’t like handing out candy.

Let me know what you guys are doing tomorrow, I’d love to know.

Thank you for joining me for day 30 or my Blogtober challenge. If you liked what you saw here, I have one last post tomorrow for you so come back and see it then. The rest of the posts are all up for you to see if you’d like to check them out. I hope you have a very happy and safe Halloween, and you get a lot of candy. If you don’t celebrate Halloween I hope you have a great day. I will see you next time.

-T.R. Flynn.

October 2018 Blog Challenge

Day 13: Least Favourite Seasonal Treat

I already talked about my favourite fall recipes, and when I was thinking about what I was going to write for this post, the original concept was ‘favourite seasonal treat’, I realized I kinda already did that and it would seem redundant to just cut and paste like that.

So, because I play both ways, I’m going to talk about some of the worst treats that come along in October.

1. Candy Corn

candy corn

I know I’m not the only one who has had this iconic candy, and doesn’t like it. If you do, more power to you. But this is my list.

Candy corn always meant that Halloween was right around the corner, and I doubt I could go a single year without seeing it. But that doesn’t mean I like it. The colours are beautiful and scream fall and Halloween, but it just tastes gross to me. And I don’t like the texture.

It’s a great decoration, but I don’t want to eat it.

2. Rockets


If you’re in America, I think you call these Smarties. But where I live Smarties are something else, we call these rockets.

I don’t like rockets. They’re chalky and don’t have a lot of flavour to them. I was fine with getting these while I was a kid because, even though I didn’t like them, my mom does. So my siblings and I, as we were sorting and trading our candy, would give most of these to our mom. At least I think I did. I don’t remember if my siblings liked these, but I don’t.

They aren’t so much a staple of Halloween like Candy corn is, because we can get rockets year round here. But they always at least look fun to me.

3. Rainbow Lollipops?

lollipops rainbow

I’ll be honest, I don’t now exactly what these are called. To find this picture I had to search up white and coloured lollipops.

I don’t like these things. I’m not a big fan of lollipops, or suckers as my family at least calls them, but my preference lays with cherry and grape flavoured ones. Maybe I’m weird and you like these things.

From my recollection, they don’t have that great a flavour, and their texture is almost milky as opposed to hard candy-y.

I’d rather get chocolate than suckers any day.

4. Witch Kisses

witch kisses

These are also called molasses kisses, or molasses toffee if I’m correct.

Basically I don’t like these because of the deception. You look at these and they scream Halloween. You unwrap them, and you think ‘Oooh! Toffee! Or a caramel!’. And then you take a bite, and it’s molasses. And year after year, I remember getting deceived by the colourful wrappers and the promise of chocolate or caramel.

I like molasses, in gingerbread, or gingersnaps. Not my candy.

Now, unlike the rest of these, I can actually understand why someone would like these candies. My mom loves them, and that’s because when she was a kid they would make them. And they were a very special treat for her that she didn’t get very often. So, it kinda brings good childhood memories to her, which makes me happy too.

Did you like any of these candies that I don’t and think I’m wrong? Are there other candies or treats that come out in the fall/around Halloween that you don’t like? Let me know in the comments, and we can talk about them.

That you so much for joining me for day 13 of my October 2018 Blogger Challenge, where I post a fall or Halloween themed post everyday for the month of October. If you liked what you saw here, feel free to come back tomorrow and see what I have for you then. I promise it won’t be a negative post. Or, if it’s after the 31st, you can check out all the posts that I have up.

Thank you so much for joining me, I hope you have a great day/afternoon/evening/night, and I will see you next time.

-T.R. Flynn.